发布时间:2020-04-17 22:35 原文链接: 基于epMotion5075t及KAPA文库定量试剂盒的全自动NGS文库...2

Results and Discussion
Automated qPCR Setup Accuracy and Precision
The accuracy and precision of the qPCR setup was evalu ated based on standard curve analysis (Figure 3). Amplifca tion efciency is equivalent between automated (95%) and manual (94%) setup, and both values are within the acceptable range of 90 – 110%. The coefcient of variation (R²) obtained for the two liquid handling methods is similar with a value of 1.00, meeting the minimum requirement of 0.99. For standards on the automated standard curve, the standard deviation of Cq values between triplicate data points was less than 0.1, translating to a coefcient of varia tion less than 0.4%. This indicates that any quantifcation data obtained is accurate, assuming accurate and precise library dilution.

Figure 3: Standard curves of manual (A) and automated (B) qPCR setups, as well as a summary of associated data (C).
Automated Sample Dilution Accuracy and Precision
Standard 0 was diluted to 1:10,000 by two consecutive 1:100 dilutions either manually or with an automated process. The average pM value of the automated Standard 0 reactions (216 pM) is similar to the average pM value of the manual reactions (222 pM) showing equivalency of the automated sample dilution process on the epMotion (Figure 4).
Additionally, the automated process resulted in an estimated Standard 0 concentration of 216 pM, which deviates from the expected value of 200 pM by less than 10%. The low standard deviation (CV of 1.4%) among the twelve replicates shows high precision and highlights the reliability of the automated sample dilution process.

Figure 4: Comparison between manual and automated serial dilutions using Standard 0.
Performance was further evaluated using two Illumina NGS libraries diluted in series (1:10K, 1:100K, 1:1M) with four replicates per data point. As expected for a 10-fold dilution series, the Delta Cq values between the different dilution factors were within the acceptable range of 3.1 to 3.6. The Cq standard deviation of both NGS libraries does not exceed 0.2% showing high reproducibility (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Comparison of automated serial dilutions for two NGS libraries.
The automation of the KAPA Library Quantifcation Kit on the Eppendorf epMotion 5075t offers a solution for high throughput quantifcation, reducing hands-on time and human error with a total runtime of only 28 minutes for the here presented setup. The Eppendorf epMotion liquid han dling systems have the advantage of having a user friendly interface, with flexible options for modifying the number of libraries, the number of qPCR replicates, and the dilution factor to desired experimental design with a maximum of 72 reactions per plate. Reliable, optimized and ready-to-use epMotion methods are available for small epMotion mod els such as the epMotion 5073 and larger sizes such as the epMotion 5075. The presence of a thermo-module on the worktable keeps the qPCR plate refrigerated during process ing, and detection of tip and consumable positions before run start allows reliable processing without incident.