发布时间:2010-12-15 08:41 原文链接: 52名华人学者当选2011年IEEE会士

  近日,国际电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)公布了2011年新当选的学会会士(IEEE Fellow),全球共有321人获此殊荣,其中华人学者共52名(下表)。

1毕奇(Qi Bi)中国电信北京研究所/总工程师for contributions to code division multiple access
2Jin-Xing Cai美国泰科国际电信公司for contributions to long-haul fiber optic transmission
3Guohong Cao美国宾州州立大学/教授for contributions to algorithm and protocol design for mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
4张庆瑞(Ching-Ray Chang)“国立”台湾大学/教授for contributions to micromagnetic calculations and computational approaches in spin transport 
5 陈锡明(Shyi-Ming Chen)“国立”台湾科技大学/教授or contributions to fuzzy reasoning, forecasting and information retrieval
6程时杰华中科技大学/院士for contributions to control of power systems with energy storage
7Albert Chin “国立”交通大学/教授for contributions to high-K dielectrics and metal gate electrodes for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor 
8程伯中(Pak Chung Ching)香港中文大学/教授for leadership in engineering education and accreditation 
9綦振瀛(Jen-Inn Chyi)“国立”中央大学/教授for contributions to III-V compound semiconductor optoelectronic devices 
10丁晓青清华大学/教授for contributions to multi-lingual character recognition and face recognition systems 
11范汕洄(Shanhui Fan美国斯坦福大学/教授for contributions to nanophotonics
12韩永祥(Yunghsiang Sam Han)“国立”台北大学/教授for contributions to decoding techniques 
13郭大维(Tei-Wei Kuo)“国立”台湾大学/教授for contributions to real-time embedded systems and flash-memory storage systems
14Kwok Wa Leung香港城市大学/教授for contributions to the development of the dielectric resonator antenna 
15李波(Bo Li香港科技大学/教授for contributions to content distribution via the internet 
16李文荣(Wen Jung Li) 香港中文大学/教授for contributions in low-power integrated nanotube sensors and devices
17李凯(Kai Li 美国普林斯顿大学/教授for contributions to distributed shared memory, cluster communication, and deduplication storage systems 
18李涵雄(Han-Xiong Li香港城市大学/教授for contributions to applications of fuzzy logic control 
19李世鹏(Shipeng Li微软亚洲研究院for contributions to the advancement of image and video coding
20Ying-Chang Liang新加坡资讯与通信研究院for contributions to cognitive radio communications
21林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)“国立”台湾大学/教授or contributions to support vector machine algorithms and software 
22林光隆(Kwang-Lung Lin)“国立”交通大学/教授for contributions to development of lead-free solder alloys and material interactions
23刘际明(Jiming Liu香港浸会大学/教授for contributions to web intelligence and multi-agent autonomy-oriented computing 
24刘国平(Guoping Liu英国格拉摩根大学/教授for contributions to networked control systems
25Jianqiang Lu美国伦斯勒理工学院/副教授for contributions to three-dimensional integrated circuit technology
26Wei-Ying Ma 微软亚洲研究院for contributions to multimedia information retrieval 
27秦泗钊(Si-Zhao Joe Qin美国南加州大学/教授for contributions to model predictive control technology and fault diagnosis in industrial processes 
28沈征(Zheng John Shen美国中弗罗里达大学/教授for contributions to the development of lateral power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors 
29史国均(Frank Shi美国加州大学欧文分校/教授for contributions to optoelectronic packaging technologies
30侍乐媛(Leyuan Shi美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校/教授for contributions to nested partitions optimization methodology
31孙启彬(Qibin Sun)美国惠普公司for contributions to multimedia security 
32Lei Wang 加拿大Powertech Labs for contributions to power system stability 
33王蒞君(Li-Chun Wang)“国立”交通大学/教授for contributions to cellular architectures and radio resource management in wireless networks 
34魏庆隆(Chin-Long Wey)台湾“国家”晶片系统设计中心/研究员for leadership in education and services in integrated circuits
35吴旻(Min Wu美国马里兰大学帕克分校/副教授for contributions to multimedia security and forensics 
36武筱林(Xiaolin Wu加拿大麦克马斯特大学/教授for contributions to image coding, communication and processing
37吴克利(Ke-Li Wu香港中文大学/教授for contributions to non-planar microwave filters and embedded radio frequency passive circuits 
38吴信东(Xindong Wu美国佛蒙特大学/教授for contributions to data mining and applications
39吴青华(Qing-Hua Wu英国利物浦大学/教授for contributions to artificial intelligence applications in power systems
40Jie Xue美国思科系统公司for leadership in electronics packaging technology
41薛泉(Quan Xue香港城市大学/教授for contributions to microwave transmission line structures and integrated circuits 
42薛国良(Guoliang Xue美国亚利桑那州立大学/教授for contributions to survivability and quality of service in computer networks
43阎勇(Yong Yan英国肯特大学/教授for contributions to pulverized fuel flow metering and combustion flame imaging 
44杨广中(Guang-Zhong Yang英国伦敦帝国学院for contributions to medical imaging and robotic surgery 
45Chih-Kong Ken Yang 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校/教授for leadership in enhancement of input-output efficiency in integrated circuits
46Yu-Dong Yao美国史蒂文斯科技学院/教授for contributions to wireless communications systems
47曾凡钢(Fan-Gang Zeng美国加州大学欧文分校/教授for contributions to auditory prostheses
48张良杰(Liang-Jie ZhangIBM 托马斯·沃森实验室for contributions to service-oriented technologies and applications
49张晓强(Kevin Zhang美国英特尔公司for contributions to static random access memory for high-performance microprocessors
50Tao Zhang美国Telcordia Technologies, Incfor contributions to wireless and infrastructure networking protocols for applications
51朱松纯(Song-Chun Zhu美国加州大学洛杉矶分校/教授for contributions to statistical modeling, learning and inference in computer vision 
52曾更生(Lawrence Zeng美国犹他大学/教授for contributions to instrumentation and image reconstruction algorithms in single photon emission computed tomography




















