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Dynamic Imaging of Molecular Assemblies in Live Cells Based on Nanoparticle Plasmon Resonance Coupling基于纳米粒子等离子体共振耦合的细胞中分子组装的动态影像Jesse Aaron, Kort Travis, Nathan Harrison, and Konstantin SokolovDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Physics, UniVersity of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, and Department of Imaging Physics, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030Received June 8, 2009;......阅读全文


  一、质谱成像技术简介  成像质谱(IMS)是一种非常灵敏的分子成像技术,可提供组合的分子信息和空间分辨率。它允许从组织切片、单细胞或其他物质表面直接鉴定和定位化合物分子。成像质谱研究的核心特点是质谱仪的高灵敏度、技术的无标签性、对肽和蛋白质的成像能力,以及从个体水平(几百微米)到细胞水平(几十纳