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Cell创刊于1974年,现已成为世界自然科学研究领域最著名的期刊之一,并陆续发行了十几种姊妹刊,在各自专业领域里均占据着举足轻重的地位。Cell以发表具有重要意义的原创性科研报告为主,许多生命科学领域最重要的发现都发表在Cell上。本月《Cell》前十名下载论文为: A Method for the Acute and Rapid Degradation of Endogenous Proteins 在人体中,蛋白质执行着几乎所有我们需要的生物进程,如果蛋白质功能出现问题就会导致许多疾病。为了研究蛋白质的功能,研究人员需要将其从细胞中剔除,然后分析这样导致的后果。目前比较常用的方法是CRISPR-Cas基因组编辑和RNA干扰技术,这两种分别针对于DNA和RNA的水平。但是这些方法对蛋白质的影响是间接的,需要时间的。 近期来自德国和英国的科学家们提出了一种叫做 Trim-Away 的新方法, Trim-Away可以直接......阅读全文



Dynamic Monitoring ofCellular Remodeling Induced bythe Transforming Growth1

The plasticity of differentiated adult cells could have a great therapeutic potential, but at the same time, it is characteristic of progression of se


AbstractTerahertz  (THz) metasurfaces have been explored recently due to their properties  such as low material loss and ease of fabrication

Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Ruby stain

实验概要Live cell studies  of cellular DNA content and cell cycle distribution are useful to detect  variations of growth patterns due to a vari

Optimized Method for the Preparation of Rodent Testicular Cells-1

Homogeneity of cell populations is a prerequisite for the analysis of biochemical and molecular events during male gamete differentiation. Given the c

Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor

The hepatocyte growth factor receptor, also called c-Met, is activated by HGF and stimulates proliferation of hepatocytes and other cell types. Mutate

Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Violet Stain

实验概要Live cell studies  of cellular DNA content and cell cycle distribution are useful to detect  variations of growth patterns due to a vari


  近日,发表在国际杂志Cell上的一项最新研究中,来自中国上海的研究人员在世界上率先利用一种经过改进的体细胞核移植技术克隆出第一批非人灵长类动物---食蟹猴,研究人员希望利用这种改进的技术培育出遗传上相同的灵长类动物群体,以便提供更好的癌症等人类疾病的动物模型。  那么近年来体细胞研究领域还有哪些

Cell Cycles - Introduction

The onion root tip and the whitefish blastula remain as the standard introduction to the study of mitosis. The onion has easily observable chromosomes

Antigen Dependent B Cell Activation

A key part of the immune system is the production of immunoglobulins (antibodies) by B cells to bind and inactivate specific foreign antigens. The bod

LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Dead Cell Stain Kits

实验概要The LIVE/DEAD®  Fixable Dead Cell Stain Kits use a novel method to evaluate the  viability of mammalian cells by flow cytometry. These a

Comparison of Enzymatic and Non-Enzymatic Means-1

Comparison of Enzymatic and Non-Enzymatic Means of Dissociating Adherent Monolayers of Mesenchymal Stem CellsThe dissociation of adherent mesenchymal


CD7Membrane glycoprotein and Fc receptor for IgM Homologous to TCR gamma, Ig kappaMembrane expression early during T ontogeny, before TCR rearran

Method: Maintaining Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines

Method: Maintaining Lymphoblastoid Cell LinesJune 10, 1990Rosalie VeilePurpose:To grow lymphoblastoid cells for permanent storage and for DNA extracti

Growth, Maintenance and Transfection of Suspension Adapted 293-EBNA cells

ProcedureI. INTRODUCTIONThe 293 EBNA cell line is established from primary embryonal human kidney cells transformed with sheared human adenovirus type

Optimized Method for the Preparation of Rodent Testicular Cells-3

Moreover, when the method was applied to the analysis of the cellular composition of immature testes, the results were also in agreement with previous


Primary referencestop American Journal of Clinical Pathology (AJCP), August 1975 to February 2006American Journal of Surgical Pathology

Cell Extraction Protocol

实验概要Primary tissues  are valuable tools for the study of intracellular and extracellular  markers which characterize disease states. We have

LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Dead Cell Stain Kits

实验概要The  LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Dead Cell Stain Kits use a novel method to evaluate  the viability of mammalian cells by flow cytometry. These a

重磅回顾!2015年“魔剪”CRISPR技术重大突破 TOP30

  CRISPR作为基因编辑领域的明星技术俨然已经成了众多突破研究的“得力助手”。从技术改良、疾病治疗到作物改良,越来越多的科学研究离不开这项才进入科研领域短短几年的技术。张锋、胚胎编辑、George Church等热词让CRISPR在2015年“屡次刷屏”。  笔者从去年开始关注CRISPR技术,

Subculturing Adherent Cells

实验概要The following protocol describes a general procedure for subculturing adherent mammalian cells in culture.主要试剂1. Complete growth medium, pre-warme

CO2恒温摇床解决人胚肾 293 (HEK293) 细胞结团问题(二)

Lysate preparation and western blottingProtein lysates were created by harvesting the cells from confluent T-flasks or from suspension cultures at h

Heterogeneity of Single-Cell Gene Expression Across Phenotypically(一)

Introduction  Multi-cellular  populations are fundamentally driven by the collective properties of  individual cells. However, our unde

可靠的CCCadvanced FN1无异源耗材支持人间充质干细...(二)

Materials and MethodsShort-term cell growth evaluationLonza™ Poietics™ human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC-BM, PT-2501, Lonza) derived from normal ad


  2018年即将过去,年末为大家献上生物谷本年度糖尿病专题盘点,希望读者朋友们能够喜欢。1. Nature:利用细胞替换疗法治疗1型糖尿病取得重大进展!胞外基质组分决定着胰腺祖细胞的命运DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0762-2  I型糖尿病是一种自身免疫性疾病,它会破坏胰腺中产

Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green and Orange Stains

实验概要Live  cell studies of cellular DNA content and cell cycle distribution are  useful to detect variations of growth patterns due to a vari

Fibroblast Cell Systems-3

Seeding After cells are thawed:NOTE: Do not dispense the entire contents of the cryovial into one T-25 flask!!Remove the cap, being car


The next playersBeyond cell imaging and gene expression, other applications of single stem cell analysis are hardly thick on the ground. No one ca

New Brunswick S41i CO2 恒温摇床进行间充质干细胞扩增(二)

Stem cell differentiation assaysAdMSCs were harvested from both shake and spinner flasks into 50 ml tubes. Once the microcarrier beads settled to the


  2月19日,国际学术期刊《自然-遗传学》(Nature Genetics)在线发表了中国科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所周斌研究组、季红斌研究组以及中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院彭广敦研究组的合作科研成果“Lung regeneration by multipotent stem cells