发布时间:2020-04-20 15:39 原文链接: 单细胞westernblot解析乳腺癌发生过程的细胞异质性研究


加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine)的科学家,在最新一期Nature Communication上发表文章,采用单细胞mRNA测序(ScRNAseq)分析来自7个不同乳腺增生病人的25,790个人乳腺上皮细胞的转录组,使用无偏聚分析揭示了三种不同的上皮细胞群的存在,一种是基底细胞,另一种是导管腔上皮细胞,分为激素分泌型L1和激素反应L2型细胞。



为了阐述KRT8蛋白质表达异质性,作者选择了ProteinSimple Milo单细胞western blot。Milo可将细胞分为三个亚群:阴性,低表达,高表达。并可以准确计算各亚群细胞的百分比即数量。

L2 was also characterized by higher levels of KRT8 than L1
 To quantify protein expression in individual cells, we utilized a recently developed single-cell western blot application (ProteinSimple, Milo), which performs electrophoretic separation of the protein content of about 2000 cells per chip and subsequently probed with fluorescently labeled antibodies.
Applying single-cell western blotting to luminal and basal cells isolated by FACS identified three cell states, namely KRT8-negative, -low, and -high , which illustrates the usefulness of single cell Western blotting as a quantitative validation tool downstream of scRNAseq analyses.

单细胞基因测序+Milo单细胞western blot组合,可以从基因水平和蛋白质水平完整解析细胞异质性,阐述肿瘤发生,干细胞发育等关键生命医学问题。