发布时间:2020-08-31 22:33 原文链接: WesternBlot(AP)


1. Membrane Blocking buffer:5% Milk   0.05% of Tween 20 PBS
2. antibody dilution buffer: PBS 0.05% of Tween20 1.0% Milk(or BSA) 
3. washing buffer: PBS 0.05% of Tween20


Western Blot (AP)

1. Membrane Block

5% Milk   0.05% of Tween 20, Sharking for 2hr

  1. Wash the membrane 3X with PBS(0.05% of Tween 20), 10min each

  2. Primary antibody

Add primary antibody (antibody mix with PBS 0.05% of Tween20 1.0% Milk(or BSA) with proper dilution), 4◦C, O/N.

  1. Wash the membrane 3X with PBS(0.05% of Tween 20), 10min each

  2. Secondary antibody

Add second antibody (antibody mix with PBS 0.05% of Tween 20, for AP) RT,

1 hr.

  1. Wash the membrane 3X with PBS(0.05% of Tween 20), 10min each

7.  Exposure the membrane in AP buffer.