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实验概要 Extension of overlapping gene segments by PCR is a simple, versatile technique for site-directed mutagenesis and gene splicing.Initial PCRs generate overlapping gene segments that are then used as template DNA for another PCR to create a full-length product.Internal primers generate overlapping, complementary 3‘ ends on the intermediate segments and introduce nucleotide sub......阅读全文


基因工程小鼠的命名规则有没有发现,当你在查询或看paper时,往往会蹦出几个贼长的,还夹杂着数字、上标、符号的名称,比如:129-Trp53tm1Holl/J、FVB-Tg(PomcCre)5Brn...... 看上去很复杂的样子。这些其实是基因工程小鼠的全名。如果把这一长串字符解构一下,常见的基因

PCR Primers For Gene Expression Detection or Quantification

Why PrimerBank?PrimerBank is a public resource for PCR primers. These primers are designed for gene expression detection or quantification (real-time

Overview of telomerase protein component gene hTert Transcriptional

Telomerase is an enzyme which replicates the terminal sequences of eukaryotic chromosomes, namely the telomeres. Cells which have an unlimited replica


  对于一个刚出生的孩子而言,拥有好的遗传基因和有一个好名字都挺重要,对于一家公司而言,也是如此。目前全球仅生物制药公司的数量就成千上万,公司名字也多种多样,但是在公司的名字中有一个单词似乎最受欢迎,它就是“gene”(基因)。  本文就是盘点那些名称中全部或部分包含有“gene”的、最著名的生物制


经过近30年的发展革新,电转染已成为基因的功能研究领域中不可或缺的技术手段。下文不仅是一篇新上市的转染仪器的介绍,更是电转染仪技术革新的介绍,因为:            &nbs

Targeted Gene Replacement in Fungi Using a Split-Marker Approach

Targeted gene replacement is one of the primary strategies for functional characterization of fungal genes and several methods have been developed


Figure 2. Silencer ™ siRNA Validation Data Generated Using Applied Biosystems TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays. The indicated Silencer Validated siRNAs


RNAi target selection rules:Targeted regions on the cDNA sequence of a targeted gene should be located 50-100 nt downstream of the start codon (ATG).S

siRNA Design Guidelines

Using siRNA for gene silencing is a rapidly evolving tool in molecular biology. There are several methods for preparing siRNA, such as chemical synthe


Ambion and Applied Biosystems have joined forces to provide a complete convenient, solution for performing gene silencing experiments and validating t


  腺相关病毒属于微小病毒科 (parvovirus),为无包膜的单链线状 DNA 病毒,基因组大小约 4.7 kb。利用腺相关病毒可以将外源基因转入动物组织和细胞中,具有安全性高、免疫原性低、宿主范围广、表达稳定等多种优点,广泛应用于动物体内研究。   腺相关病毒血清型众多(12种),不同血清型


  腺相关病毒属于微小病毒科 (parvovirus),为无包膜的单链线状 DNA 病毒,基因组大小约 4.7 kb。利用腺相关病毒可以将外源基因转入动物组织和细胞中,具有安全性高、免疫原性低、宿主范围广、表达稳定等多种优点,广泛应用于动物体内研究。   腺相关病毒血清型众多(12种),不同血清型

Degenerate PCR

Degenerate PCR is in most respects identical to ordinary PCR, but with one major difference. Instead of using specific PCR primers with a given sequen


相关专题随着ncbi 数据库各种资源的涌现,NCBI已经成为科研工作者必不可少的资料查找,数据分析的工具。那么NCBI数据如何使用,新手入门一步一步教你认识和使用NCBI数据库。一 综合数据库NCBI数据库集美国国立生物技术信息中心(National Center for Biotechnology


三、肝脏AAV2、AAV5、AAV7 和 AAV8,其中 AAV7 和 AAV8 的效率是 AAV2 的 10-100 倍。注射部位常选择门静脉、外周静脉和尾静脉。注射病毒滴度一般选择 8×10^10-2×10^12(GC/kg)(人、灵长类);1×10^11 GC/只鼠,稀释成 50-10




Scanning the human genome with combinatorial transcription factor librariesPublished online: 18 February 2003, doi:10.1038/nbt794March 2003 Volume 21

Degenerate PCR, a short guide.

What is degenerate PCR?   Degenerate PCR is in most respect identical to ordinary PCR, but with one major difference. Instead of using


来自中科院昆明动物所的研究人员发现在哺乳动物的一个重要转录抑制因子CDYL基因中,新外显子反复在不同哺乳动物谱系中发生,而且这些新外显子能给该基因带来很大的功能改变,这说明基因中新外显子的出现也是增加蛋白多样性和新功能起源的一种重要方式。这一研究成果公布在国际著名遗传学刊物《Trends in Ge

基因检测行业风云突变: 检测巨头互搏抢占市场

  基因检测巨头近日与其对手在法庭上展开交锋,这一战争使得本应前途光明的检测热潮蒙上了一片阴云。   尽管基因检测巨头Myriad Genetics8月13日讨论公司第四季度及去年整个会计年度财政收支状况的电话会议中,并未提及美国好莱坞著名女星安吉丽娜朱莉的“切乳事件”,但是仍旧不能掩盖检测巨

所有的看家基因(housekeeping genes)的列表+引物设计服务-3

NM_033142                Homo sapiens chorionic gonadotropin, beta pol


Table 2: Binding sites and identity of ZFPs used in VEGF activationWe then generated artificial transcription factors by fusing the three-fi


Figure 5: Regulation of CDH5 by TFZFs in several human cancer cell lines.Blue, cells infected with a pMX construct containing the DNA bindin

DataONE:Protocols/Find GEO reuses

Identify reuses of GEO datasetsAimThe aim of this protocol is to collect data on the reuses of datasets in the published literature. This particular p

Overview of telomerase RNA component gene hTerc Transcriptional Regulation

Telomerase is an enzyme which replicates the terminal sequences of eukaryotic chromosomes, namely the telomeres. Cells which have an unlimited replica

In Vivo Imaging of Far-1

In Vivo Imaging of Far-red Fluorescent Proteins after DNA Electrotransfer to Muscle TissueDNA electrotransfer to muscle tissue yields long-term, high


FIG. 4.Aberrant gene expression patterns of cardiac remodeling factors in ARKO male mice with or without Ang II stimulation. The left panel demons

定量RT-PCR (Quantitative RT-PCR)

Application: Quantitative RT-PCR is used to quantify mRNA in both relative and absolute terms. It can be applied for the quantification of m


·         Standard PCR Protocol (Molecular Biology Techniques Manual)The followings are described in

