发布时间:2022-04-25 15:08 原文链接: 鞠熀先教授荣获2022年度测量科学进展讲座奖

  2022 年度测量科学进展讲座奖 (Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award) 获奖人名单现已公布。来自南京大学的鞠熀先教授与University of Virginia的Jill Venton教授、洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)的Thomas Rizzo教授共同斩获此奖项。三位获奖人将在今年10月举办的 Innovation in Measurement Science Symposium 上做邀请报告。


  Q:Tell us about yourself?

  I am a professor of analytical chemistry at Nanjing University and the director of State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science (since its foundation in 2011). I received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Nanjing University in 1986, 1989 and 1992, and became a lecturer, associate professor and professor at Nanjing University in 1992, 1993 and 1999, respectively. I worked at Montreal University (Canada) as a postdoctoral researcher from 1996-1997, won the National Funds for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2003, and was selected as a Changjiang Professor by Education Ministry of China and a National Key Talent in the New Century by China government in 2007, a chief scientist of 973 Program by Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2009, and Fellows of the International Society of Electrochemistry and the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2015. My research interests focus on analytical biochemistry, nanobiosensing and bioimaging.

  Q:What does this award mean to you?

  This award means an opportunity to show my research achievements and that my contributions have been recognized by colleagues in measurement science.

  Q:What are you working on now?

  I am aiming to develop accurate or quantitative detection methods for important life molecules via novel signal amplification and labelling strategies, including in vitro, in vivo, in situ and POCT, and theranostic systems of cancer via molecular recognition and imaging analysis.

  Q:How would you describe your career so far?

  I have worked in the field of Measurement Science for 36 years. I was the first one to develop the chemically modified microelectrode for the determination of protein in 1994. I introduced nanotechnology to the biosensing field in 1997, which led to a new concept of signal amplification and the development of nanobiosensing, and thus was recognized as one of the pioneers in nanobiosensing. In 2004, I proposed the first electrochemiluminescence (ECL) biosensor based on the intrinsic ECL emission of quantum dots, which brought a new field in ECL biosensing application of quantum dots and set off a research hotspot of ECL biosensing with inorganic nanoparticles. These works promoted the development of electrochemical and chemiluminescent immunosensing and DNA detection methodology. In recent years, I presented a concept of mass spectrometric (MS) biosensing (2020) based on the first quantitative MALDI-TOF-MS detection method (2014) and a MALDI-TOF/MS imaging technique for quantitation of caspase activities (2016), and developed several local reconstruction strategies for fixed-point labeling of protein-specific glycosyl groups, a variety of methods for in-situ detection of glycans and subtype screening of gangliosides on the cell surface, and a hierarchical coding strategy for glycoform imaging. I designed a DNA dual lock-and-key strategy for cell-subtype-specific siRNA delivery and two upconversion nanoprobes for NIR modulated siRNA delivery and imaging analysis. To enhance therapeutic efficiency, I proposed a DNA-azobenzene nanopump for controllable intracellular drug release, a NIR-switched microRNA amplifier for precise therapy of early-stage cancers, and a DNA nanomachine via computation across cancer cell membrane for precise therapy of solid tumor.

  So far I have published 785 papers, 6 English books, 6 Chinese books, and 20 chapters with >37500 citations in SCIE journals. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? The best piece of advice I ever received is that scientific research should be in a persistent way, never to abandon, and never give up.

  Q:What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out as a chemist?

  This profession as a chemist experiences all kinds of hardships, but it is full of fun and a sense of achievement.


  Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award 是由美国化学会出版部旗下 5 本专业期刊 ACS Measurement Science Au, ACS Sensors, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Proteome Research, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 联合美国化学会分析化学专业分会(ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry)共同设立赞助的奖项,表彰在测量科学领域做出重要贡献的科学家,每年度从美洲、欧洲/中东/非洲、亚太三个地区各评选一名获奖人。










