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Abstract: The particle size distribution in polymerization is of great significance to the stability and quality control of polymerization process. To get a high quality polymer product, the polymerization process has to be detected in real time. This article focuses on the measurement solution for real time particle sizing in the polymerization process with a 3D optical back refle......阅读全文

工信部印发产业关键共性技术发展指南 包含色谱和传感器

  分析测试百科网讯 近日,工业和信息化部组织修订了《产业关键共性技术发展指南(2015年)》(以下简称指南),并印发。指南在仪器仪表类中对色谱类分析仪器的关键制造技术、工业控制巨磁电阻传感器微型化和集成化技术、硅基压力传感器无引线封装制造技术、DCS/PLC冗余设计关键技术等做出了技术内容指南,如