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< Figure 6 - Antenna Dimensions for various configuration > There is another reason why defining D gets difficult. It would get more difficult for UE case. In order to correctly define D, you need to have all the detailed information of the antenna structure and positions in UE. But in many cases these information is treated as a highly confidential information by most of UE......阅读全文

5G/NR - OTA (一)

OTA (Over The Air) OTA stands for Over The Air. In order to perform test a device with any test equipment, you need a way of connecting the d


因此对前端模块(PA和LNA)、双工器、混频器和滤波器等RF通信组件进行特性分析将面临着一系列新的测量挑战。为在较大带宽下实现更高的能效和线性度,5G PA引入了数字预失真(DPD) 等线性化技术。由于电路模型难以预测记忆效应,因此降低记忆效应唯一有效方法是测试PA并在时域信号通过D