Antpedia LOGO WIKI资讯


UE Placement in Test Setup (Antenna Distance between UE and Test equipment) In order to get a repeatble, reliable and stable measurement result, it is very important to place the AUT(Antenna Under Test) and the measurement antenna in proper position. In this section, I will explain on how to determine the proper antenna position and theoretical background on why the specific posiiton should be use......阅读全文

5G/NR - OTA (一)

OTA (Over The Air) OTA stands for Over The Air. In order to perform test a device with any test equipment, you need a way of connecting the d


因此对前端模块(PA和LNA)、双工器、混频器和滤波器等RF通信组件进行特性分析将面临着一系列新的测量挑战。为在较大带宽下实现更高的能效和线性度,5G PA引入了数字预失真(DPD) 等线性化技术。由于电路模型难以预测记忆效应,因此降低记忆效应唯一有效方法是测试PA并在时域信号通过D

5G/NR - OTA (四)

< Figure 6 - Antenna Dimensions for various configuration >   There is another reason why defining D gets difficult.