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The plasticity of differentiated adult cells could have a great therapeutic potential, but at the same time, it is characteristic of progression of serious pathological states such as cancer and fibrosis. In this study, we report on the application of a real-time noninvasive system for dynamic monitoring of cellular plasticity. Analysis of the cell impedance profile recorded as cell index using a real-time cell analy......阅读全文


  瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的研究人员领导的一个研究小组,已制定了一个质谱工作流,用于对整个蛋白质组进行高通量的绝对定量。  据ETH的研究者、该研究的领头人Ruedi Aebersold说,对于多种形态,该技术实现了目标蛋白质组的重现性定量,提供用于

METS affect on Macrophage Differentiation

Terminal differentiation of cells is often accompanied by repression of cellular proliferation, suggesting that there is a mechanism by which these ce

mTOR Signaling Pathway

mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) appears to play a central role in signaling caused by nutrients and mitogens such as growth factors to regulate t


  “香江学者计划”学术委员会日前召开终评会议,2012年度”香江学者计划”(以下简称”计划”)共有64位内地优秀博士(名单见附件)获得资助,将赴港与香港高等院校的导师开展为期两年的合作研究。   ”计划”在2011年首次资助44位内地优秀博士,已于今年3月

2018前10月生物医学风云榜 袁隆平 曹雪涛及施一公等上榜

  经过特殊的算法,我们得到了2018年前10个月中国生物医学风云榜人物及最火爆的3个重大学术界事件,能够上榜的风云人物/事件,都曾长时间占据过100多个公生物医学公众号的头版头条。  在此,我们精选了其中的3个事件及16位风云榜人物。我们对其进行了划分,分别是:6星级的3个事件,分别位诺贝尔奖,国

Ceramide Signaling Pathway

Over 1,000 papers and reviews have been written about the role of ceramide in the production of programmed cell death or apoptosis. Ceramide is a sphi

Cell Metabolism | 医学的第四维——生物节律

  众所周知,2017 诺贝尔生理或医学奖颁发给了三位美国遗传学家杰弗里·霍尔(Jeffrey C. Hall)、迈克尔·罗斯巴什(Michael Rosbash),以及迈克尔·杨(Michael W. Young),以表彰他们在发现果蝇生物节律分子机制方面的贡献。而在此前,医学界真正将生物节律——

Cytokine induced angiogenesis in chick embryos.

Objective:The purpose of this experiment was to explore the effects of the growth factors bFGF and VEGF on blood vessel formation within the chorioall

大连色谱会最新通知 80余场邀请报告确定

  尊敬的各位同行:  第2 届大连国际色谱学术报告会及仪器展览会包含第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议(含仪器展览会) (HPLC 2011 Dalian) 及第18届全国色谱学术报告会及仪器展览会(18th NSEC),将于2011年10月8-11日在大连召开。   为使更多色谱工作者


【摘要】 目的:探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)与膀胱癌发生发展的关系。方法:应用免疫组化方法检测了48例膀胱癌存档标本和4例正常膀胱组织中bFGF的蛋白表达。结果:48例膀胱癌存档蜡块中有23例阳性,浸润性癌显著高于浅表癌(P<0.01),除G1和G2之间外各分级阳性率之间差异也有显著性。阳


1. 细胞凋亡与白血病Activation of Apoptosis in Vivo by a Hydrocarbon-Stapled BH3 HelixSCIENCE 2004,305:1466-1470 通过对BCL-2蛋白家族BID的BH3结构域进行化学修饰,使其容易穿过细胞膜,在活

mpulsive Pressurization of Neuronal Cells for Traumatic Brain Injury Study

实验概要A novel impulsive  cell pressurization experiment has been developed using a Kolsky bar  device to investigate blast-induced traumatic b


  截至2019年12月31日,中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science在线发表了186篇文章,其中生命科学领域有109篇,材料学有30篇,物理学有20篇,化学有12篇,地球科学有15篇。iNature团队对于这些文章做了系统的总结:  按杂志来划分:Cell 发表了31篇,Nature 发

大跃进 | 中国学者CNS发表超过100篇生命科学领域研究成果

  截至2019年12月13日,中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science在线发表了105篇文章(2019年的Cell已经全部更新完毕,而对于Nature及Science只剩下了一期,将分别会12月19日及20日进行更新),小编对于这些文章做了系统的总结:  按杂志来划分:Cell 发表了30


  5月份即将结束了,5月份Science期刊又有哪些亮点研究值得学习呢?小编对此进行了整理,与各位分享。  1.Science:重磅!开发出延缓癌细胞生长的新方法  doi:10.1126/science.aai9372  癌症是一种非常复杂的疾病,但是它的定义是相当简单的:细胞发生异常和不受控制

Identification of a Mutant Kinase/ATP Analog Pair-1

Identification of a Mutant Kinase/ATP Analog PairScott T. Eblen, N. Vinay Kumar, and Michael J. WeberDepartment of Microbiology and Cancer Center, Uni


美国BARTZ公司最早研制生产微根窗根系观测仪器,BTC-100成为国际上应用最广、发表论文最多的根系研究仪器技术,其学术研究论文涵盖几十种世界知名学术期刊和专著,包括Science、Nature、Global change biology(影响因子8.502)、New 


NGS 是一种识别和确认未知致病菌的前景广阔的技术,然而其在生物防御和公共健康应用等方面的时效性,却往往因为缺乏快速、有效、可靠的自动DNA样品制备方法而受到限制。为了突破这种限制,Kim 等设计了一种基于流体分布元件的数字微流体(DMF) 平台,使得多子系统模块能够进入自动NGS库样品


ABSTRACTFibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling plays a signifigant role in embryonic development. Particularyl, FGFs are implicated in mediating epi

Isolation and characterization of rat glomerular endothelial cells

Glomerular endothelial cells (GECs) from the kidney are in close juxtaposition to other cell types, such as mesangial cells, and may respond to as

MicroRNA Expression Profiling by Bead Array -4

Bead-array-based microRNA detection technology, including the bio-statistic analysis, is currently not well established or widely used and we have app

Methods for the Measurement of a Bacterial Enzyme Activity in Cell Lysates

AbstractThe kinetic characteristics and regulation of aspartate carbamoyltransferase activity were studied in lysates and cell extracts of Helico



Influence of Ras and Rho proteins on G1 to S Transition

The cell cycle transition from G1 to S phase is a key regulatory point in the cell cycle. This transition is regulated by the checkpoint kinase cdk2 t

NASA利用 FluorPen 研究太空植物生长适应性

John “JC” Carver, a payload integration engineer with NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Test and Operations Support Contract, uses a FluorPen to measure

​高糖腹透液对腹膜间皮细胞分泌VEGF 的影响及氟伐他汀...

高糖腹透液对腹膜间皮细胞分泌VEGF 的影响及氟伐他汀的干预作用武 侠,刘 佳*,刘艳春,徐亚光,赵秀芬,钱 军,邢昌赢(南京医科大学附属医院肾内科,江苏 南京 210029)[摘 要] 目的:观察氟伐他汀(fluvastatin,Flu)对高糖腹透液(high-glucose peritoneal

表界面科学最新文献-KSV NIMA

1.    Name:Tuning structure and properties of ultra-low cross-linked temperature-sensitive microgels at interfaces via the adsorpti

Joint formation in chick limb bud CAM grafts

Abstract        Choriallantoic membrane (CAM) limb grafting functions as a method to isolate the inductive eve

Low Loss Sapphire Windows for High Power Microwave Transmission(二)

Summary of ResultsThe important objective of Phase II research was achieved: to fabricate and test a prototype high power sapphire microwave windo

Fibroblast Cell Systems-4

3. If your result falls into any quadrant other than the "High Yield-High Viability" quadrant, refer to Appendix D, Improving Cell Yield and