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Allows you to design synthetic siRNA, Stealth RNA, or shRNA molecules from nucleotide target sequences, or convert an siRNA molecule sequence into a Stealth?molecule or shRNA molecule. It uses its proprietary algorithm or Tuschl's rules for siRNA design, and blasts an internal database for homology check, which is fast and the results are almost instantly displayed.......阅读全文


有关Stealth™ RNAi的问题什么是Stealth™ RNAi?Stealth™ RNAi是RNAi化学的新一代产品。Stealth™ RNAi分子是经过专利化学修饰的、钝末端、双链25聚体(25mer)。这些化学修饰专门用来消除诱导的细胞应激反应。它也使Stealth™ RNAi比标准的si