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Presenilin-1 (PS1) is associated with gamma secretase activity that cleaves amyloid precursor protein (APP) and is implicated in Alzheimer's disease. Presenilin-1 is also a component in gamma-secretase activity involved in signaling by the transmembrane protein Notch. Active gamma secretase requires PS-1 N-terminal fragment and a C-terminal fragment and is unique in catalyzing proteolysis within the transm......阅读全文

Proteolysis and Signaling Pathway of Notch

Notch is a large cell-surface receptor that is activated by contact with membrane-bound ligands on neighboring cells. The ligands that activate Notch

Segmentation Clock

In most animal species, the anteroposterior body axis is generated by the formation of repeated structures called segments. In vertebrate segmentation

Generation of amyloid b-peptide by PS1

Alzheimer's disease is associated with dense aggregations of proteins in the brain called amyloid plaques that contain beta-amyloid fragments as a


  2018年5月份即将结束了,5月份Science期刊又有哪些亮点研究值得学习呢?小编对此进行了整理,与各位分享。  1.Science:肠道微生物组竟能控制肝脏中的抗肿瘤免疫反应  doi:10.1126/science.aan5931; doi:10.1126/science.aat8289 

Thrombin signaling and protease-activated receptors

Thrombin is an extracellular protease that is involved in the clotting of blood and inflammation through its action on platelets and endothelial cells

Joint formation in chick limb bud CAM grafts

Abstract        Choriallantoic membrane (CAM) limb grafting functions as a method to isolate the inductive eve

ALK in cardiac myocytes

Heart formation is cued by a combination of positive and negative signals from surrounding tissues. Inhibitory signals that block heart formation in a

Calcium Signaling by HBx of Hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B is a small DNA virus that contains only 4 open reading frames in its genome. Three of these ORFs have been identified as the envelope, cap

Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the regulation of apoptosis

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are essential for neuromuscular signaling and are also expressed in non-neuronal tissues, where their function is le

2019中国生命科学领域CNS盘点:曹雪涛 颜宁 施一公上榜

  截至2019年12月23日,中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science在线发表了107篇文章(2019年的Cell ,Nature 及Science 已经全部更新),iNature团队对于这些文章做了系统的总结:  按杂志来划分:Cell 发表了31篇,Nature 发表了44篇,Scie


  2019年上半年很快就结束了,iNature盘点了中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science发表的成果,我们发现总共有86篇(截至2019年6月24日),具体介绍如下:  4-6月发表的文章  【1】2019年6月21日,西北工业大学王文,中科院昆明动物研究所/BGI 张国捷及丹麦哥本哈根

Multi-step Regulation of Transcription by Pitx2

Many transcription factors play essential roles in normal development by determining the proliferation and differentiation of cells. The coordinated t


  截至2019年12月31日,中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science在线发表了186篇文章,其中生命科学领域有109篇,材料学有30篇,物理学有20篇,化学有12篇,地球科学有15篇。iNature团队对于这些文章做了系统的总结:  按杂志来划分:Cell 发表了31篇,Nature 发

大跃进 | 中国学者CNS发表超过100篇生命科学领域研究成果

  截至2019年12月13日,中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science在线发表了105篇文章(2019年的Cell已经全部更新完毕,而对于Nature及Science只剩下了一期,将分别会12月19日及20日进行更新),小编对于这些文章做了系统的总结:  按杂志来划分:Cell 发表了30

The effects ofdifferent concentrations oflithium chloride on thedevelopment

AbstractPrevious studies by Stachel and colleagues indicate that lithium chloride induction of post-midblastular Brachydanio rerio embryos r

BCR Signaling Pathway

Significant progress has been made towards delineation of the intrinsic molecular processes that regulate B lymphocyte immune function. Recent observa


  1】Oncology Letters:大豆卵磷脂与非甾体抗炎药组合可预防癌症且副作用更小!  doi:10.3892/ol.2018.8098  当德克萨斯大学健康医学中心(UTHealth)的科学家将大豆卵磷脂和一种非甾类抗炎药(NSAID)一起应用时,他们发现其抗癌性增加且副作用减轻了。这一



Sprouty regulation of tyrosine kinase signals

Four different members of the Sprouty protein family block the cellular proliferation and differentiation induced by several different growth factors,

IL-10 Anti-inflammatory Signaling Pathway

IL-10 is a cytokine with potent anti-inflammatory properties, repressing the expression of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-1 by

CCR3 signaling in Eosinophils

Eosinophils are a key class of leukocytes involved in inflammatory responses, including allergic reactions in skin and airway. The eosinophil response

Critical Appraisal of the MTT Assay in the Presence of Rottlerin -6

Our experience indicates that it may not be sufficient to change the medium containing Rottlerin and to wash the cells before adding MTT to avoid a po

Activation of Csk by cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits Signaling

Interaction of T cell receptor with specific antigen in the context of MHC II activates a signal transduction pathway that leads to T cell activation.

Lipoprotein Analysis Week 2: Electrophoresis

Lipoprotein Analysis  Week 2: Electrophoresis IntroductionSDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) will be used to assess the

Bone Remodelling

Bone density and structure is maintained through a balance of bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone deposition by osteoblasts. The combination of si

Stress Induction of HSP Regulation

Mammalian cells can respond to a variety of stresses such as heat, cold, oxidative stress, metabolic disturbance, and environmental toxins through nec

Ceramide Signaling Pathway

Over 1,000 papers and reviews have been written about the role of ceramide in the production of programmed cell death or apoptosis. Ceramide is a sphi

Cell Stem Cell十大热点文章(5月)

  《Cell Stem Cell》杂志是2007年Cell出版社新增两名新成员之一(另外一个杂志是Cell Host & Microbe),这一杂志内容涵盖了从最基本的细胞和发育机制到医疗软件临床应用等整个干细胞生物学研究内容。这一杂志特别关注胚胎干细胞、组织特异性和癌症干细胞的最新成果。


自中科院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,干细胞生物重点实验室(Key Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology),日本福井大学(Fukui University)医学院,美国Sloan-Kettering癌症研究中心(Memorial Sloan-Ketterin

Inactivation of Gsk3 by AKT causes accumulation of b-catenin

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from XX bacteria induces a wide range of inflammatory responses, including the response of alveolar macrophages to bacteria i