
Mammalian cells can respond to a variety of stresses such as heat, cold, oxidative stress, metabolic disturbance, and environmental toxins through necrotic or apoptotic cell death, while increased expression and phosphorylation of heat shock proteins such as Hsp27 can protect cells against cellular stress. Heat shock proteins commonly exhibit molecular chaperone activity and also interact with a wide variety of prote......阅读全文


IntroductionWhen studying induction of apoptosis via a cell surface molecule, it is important to first ascertain surface expression of the molecule of


Chemical Induction of Apoptosis - 1 May 2001p53, p21WAF1, Myc, Bcl-2, Bax, Bcl-x and bak are among the proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosi


Hypoxic stress, like DNA damage, induces p


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Cholesterol is essential for life and a key in the development of heart disease. Cholesterol homeostasis is achieved through regulation of cholesterol


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are essential for neuromuscular signaling and are also expressed in non-neuronal tissues, where their function is le


BTG2 is found to be one of the immediate early genes up-regulated by neural growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Its transcriptional