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一. D-3L型高压均质机: (D-3L型高压均质机 安装调试现场)1. 接受培训人数:4人(设备管理人员1名,实验人员3名)2. 安装调试时间:2.5小时(由专业工程师负责)3. 培训时间:2小时(包括该设备的操作流程、清洗、保修与维护、专用工具的使用等. user动手操作 时间为30分钟,拆装核心部件时间10分钟)4. 说明书:英文版 5. 其它随设备文件:原产地证明、质量合格证、非木质包装证等6. 验收结果:D-3L均质最高压力,短暂达到32000psi, 实际操作最高压力:30000psi 流量速度:50毫升/分钟,均质后物料损耗:1毫升。 该设备运行平稳,声音较小。7. 设备放置:重点实验室,放置于冻干机旁边,方便脂质体均质后进一步处理。8. 所用动力源:电源二.&nb......阅读全文


  无与伦比Dynisco温度传感器DYMT-F-1/2-J-0-15-G   汽车行业冷冬,制造业怎么办   压力校验仪为交直流两用的便携式外表,在丈量压力的起,可丈量电流,起在L上显现出来,并备有24V输出,压力校验台校验仪器外表长时间内点和准确度具有杰出的重复性和稳定性,丈量准确度高。压力

Control of Gene Expression by Vitamin D Receptor

The vitamin D receptor, VDR is the mediator of all genomic actions of vitamin D3 and its analogs. It belongs to a family of ligand induced transcripti


  腹膜转移是胃癌患者术后复发的最常见模式。术中广泛腹腔灌洗(EIPL)是治疗局部晚期胃癌腹膜转移的新型预防策略。然而,尚不清楚EIPL的安全性和有效性。  目前,有3项多中心随机临床试验(RCT)正在开展,以评估EIPL作为局部晚期胃癌腹膜复发的标准预防性治疗的价值:日本CCOG1102 RCT、

Role of MAL in Rho-Mediated Activation of SRF

Serum response factor (SRF) is a transcription factor, which binds to a serum response element (SRE) associated with a variety of genes including (i)i

Nuclear Receptors in Lipid Metabolism and Toxicity

Nuclear receptors are transcription factors that are activated upon binding to its ligands. Initially, they had been classified as classic endocrine n


种植体周围炎净化处理对牙种植体钛合金表面粗糙度和化学性质的影响:对骨整合的影响种植体周围炎净化处理对牙种植体钛合金表面粗糙度和化学性质的影响:对骨整合的影响 Jordi Diaz-Marcos, PhD 1  Joan Vilana Balastegui, M

Hemoglobin's Chaperone

The function of hemoglobin in oxygen transport by red blood cells requires precise assembly of a tetramer of two beta-subunits and two alpha-units. If

Alternative Complement Pathway

The complement system of plasma proteins is an important part of the immune system that forms a cascade of factors that lyses foreign cells. There are


  Ahram Biosystems公司去年4月份新推出的Palm PCR 掌上PCR系统,可谓风头正劲,被生物通读者评为2011年度生命科学十大创新产品。犹如手掌大小的Palm PCR仪到底有何魅力,会如此受到用户的青睐?  首先,Palm PCR仪是一款以

Adhesion and Diapedesis of Lymphocytes

Cell adhesion is a fundamental feature of multicellular organisms including their defense mechanisms. In the later case in mammals, leukocytes play ce

Reelin Signaling Pathway

Reelin is an extracellular protein secreted by neurons. Reeler mice with a defective Reelin gene exhibit neuronal abnormalities in development. Mice t

Ca++/ Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase Activation

The calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases (CaMKs) are involved in a large number of cellular responses induced by hormones, neurotransmitters and other

CARM1 and Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor

Several forms of post-translational modification regulate protein activities. Recently, protein methylation by CARM1 (coactivator-associated arginine

Gamma-aminobutyric Acid Receptor Life Cycle

Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts at synapses through binding to ligand-gated ion channels, the GABA recepto

GATA3 participate in activating the Th2 cytokine genes expression

CD4+ helper T cells differentiate into distinct subtypes, Th1 and Th2 cells. Th2 cells are involved in the response to extracellular helminthe parasit

Downregulated of MTA-3 in ER-negative Breast Tumors

Approximately 30% of breast carcinomas lack ER expression. Presumably, these breast cancers become estrogen independent through genetic alterations th

CBL mediated ligand-induced downregulation of EGF receptors

As with many cell-surface receptors, activation of the EGF receptor can result in receptor internalization through receptor-mediated endocytosis, dese

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) Pathway

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) is one of a family of three secreted proteins, including Indian Hedgehog (Ihh) and Desert Hedgehog (Dhh), that play distinct and

布鲁克:新品云游ASMS 2020

  分析测试百科网讯 近日,布鲁克对外宣布其在ASNS 2020期间的会议日程:  Sunday, May 31, 2020, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm CDT  演讲嘉宾:  《What‘s New with Bruker》  Rohan Thakur, PhD, Managing D


81.为什么长石的玻璃熔片成片后放在XRF检测室里会破裂呢?已经是冷却的了,如果说是关系到钾钠的膨胀系数的话,那样也应该是在成片的过程中因 为系数高而应力增大才破裂,究竟是什么原因呢?检测室的温度是25度,湿度在45左右,环境的影响我想应该不是主要的.片子没气泡没不熔物 A.可能是玻璃片中



Adhesion and Diapedesis of Granulocytes

Cell adhesion is a fundamental feature of multicellular organisms including their defense mechanisms. In the later case in mammals, leukocytes play ce

Lissencephaly gene (LIS1) in neuronal migration and development

Integration of pathways that regulate nucleokinesis during neuronal migration and a model of LIS1 mediating CLIP-170 interactions with the dynein/dyna


为获此殊荣的第一个中国人,全球范围内仅有87人获得 12月12日,英国皇家化学会授予中国科学院院士白春礼荣誉会士(Honorary Fellow)仪式暨首届英国《化学通讯》国际学术研讨会在北京隆重举行。目前,全球仅有87位杰出人士获此殊荣,其中仅有三人来自亚洲,白春礼院士则是获此殊荣的第一位中国人

NF-kB Signaling Pathway

Nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) is a nuclear transcription factor that regulates expression of a large number of genes that are critical for the regulation


分论坛1a:通过筛选获得崭新生物学作用机制和疾病靶点   傅海安博士   美国埃默瑞大学药理系教授,血液与肿瘤学教授, 埃默瑞大学化学生物学研究中心主   傅海安博士,美国埃默瑞大学药理系教授,血液与肿瘤学教授。并任埃默瑞大学化学生物学研究中心主任,埃默瑞大学功能基因组学研究中心主任,


  李彬博士   研发总监,雅培(上海)研发中心   李彬博士于2008年9月加入雅培(上海)研发中心任研发总监,参与组建雅培上海研发中心,致力于几个重要疾病领域的新药研究开发。此前于2007年3月加入睿智化学,参与组建了生物部并担任副总裁。回国前16年间,李博士在美国罗氏,辉瑞,ANADYS及

MAPKinase Signaling Pathway

The ever evolving mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) pathways consist of four major groupings and numerous related proteins which constitut

Role of EGF Receptor Transactivation by GPCRs in Cardiac Hypertrophy

One of responses to increased blood pressure is cardiac hypertrophy through increased size of ventricular myocardial cells leading to increased thickn

Aspirin Blocks Signaling Pathway Involved in Platelet Activation

Activation of the protease-activated GPCRs in platelets contributes to platelet activation in clotting. The protease-activated receptors PAR1 and PAR4