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实验概要This protocol is a general protocol for ICE analysis and can be used with any of Abcam's ICE-validated antibodies. Antibodies are available in single quantities or are available in smaller amounts as part of a sample ICE pack. Specific scientific information, background and working concentration for each antibody are detailed in each antibody’s corresponding Data Sheet.实验原理In-Cell ELISA is a qua......阅读全文


实验概要This protocol is a general protocol for ICE analysis and can be used with any of Abcam's ICE-validated antibodies. Antibodies are availabl

Cell death detection in Xenopus embryos by ELISA

Sample preparation Wash embryos 1 x in 25% MMR Remove excess buffer Add 10 volumes "incubation buffer", i.e. 50 µl for 5 embryos Lyse the embryos

Cell-based ELISA for primary cells

1. The 96-well micro-plates are pre-coated with extra cellular matrix.2. Primary cells are grown in the 96-well plates.  Seed 100μl of 10,000-20,000

Cell-Based ELISA简介以及应用

1、Cell-Based ELISA 的优点: Cell-Based ELISA(基于细胞的 ELISA)是一种全新的ELISA技术,有两个最突出的优点:1.1不需要抽提蛋白、包被微孔板:细胞直接在微孔板里培养,待检测的时候,将细胞固定在微孔板上并进行通透处理即可。这样就避免了抽提蛋白时,由于客观和

Cell-Based ELISA简介以及应用

  1、Cell-Based ELISA 的优点:   Cell-Based ELISA(基于细胞的 ELISA)是一种全新的ELISA技术,有两个最突出的优点:   1.1不需要抽提蛋白、包被微孔板:细胞直接在微孔板里培养,待检测的时候,将细胞固定在微孔板上并进行通透处理即可。这样就避免

Cell Stem Cell

  |泛素连接酶HECTD1通过协调核糖体大小亚基的组装来调控造血干细胞的再生能力  造血干细胞(Hematopoietic stem cell, HSC)具有自我更新和分化的功能。在正常生理状态下,HSC处于休眠状态,其蛋白合成速度受到严格地调控并维持在较低水平。当机体受到损伤时,HSC 能够迅速

Cell to Cell Adhesion Signaling

Interactions between cells responsible for cell to cell adhesion also can communicate signals into the cellular interior, often invol

Cell Thawing/Cell Freezing Protocol

Freezing Cells: Cells should be growing well or known to be in log phase Count, collect and pellet cells in a 15mL test tube Resuspend in fr

Cell Thawing/Cell Freezing Protocol

Freezing Cells:Cells should be growing well or known to be in log phaseCount, collect and pellet cells in a 15mL test tubeResuspend in freezing media

Cell Stem Cell | 连续取得进展!

  下丘脑含有惊人的异质性神经元,可调节内分泌,自主神经和行为功能。然而,其分子发育轨迹和神经元多样性的起源仍不清楚。2021年4月21日,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所吴青峰团队在Cell Stem  在线发表题为“Cascade diversification directs generati