
RNA Extraction from Frozen Tissue Sections Tissue Handling: Note that all unfixed human tissue should be handled as BioSafety Level 2 materials (wear gloves, lab coat, etc). All plasticware (tubes, tips, etc.) should be RNase free and always handled with gloves to avoid contamination of the sample with RNases. In general, it is not necessary to treat plastic ware to eliminate RNase contamination- just keep ......阅读全文


RNA Extraction from Frozen Tissue Sections Tissue Handling: Note that all unfixed human tissue should be handled as BioSafety Level 2 materials (wear


Tissue collection, storage, microdissection, sectioning: See separate protocol.Tissue handling: Note that all fresh tissue should be handled as BioSaf


This is a four day procedure so it's best to start on Monday or Tuesday.CASE SELECTION:H&E stained thin sections are first reviewed by a pathologi


实验概要E.Z.N.A.™  MicroElute® Total RNA Kit provides a rapid and easy method for the  isolation of up to 50 ug of total RNA from small amount of cultured


实验概要 The method provides a guideline procedure and tips for staining of frozen sections. 实验步骤 Frozen sections: Once mounted on APES coated slides,


实验概要The  following is a general procedure guide for preparation and staining of  acetone-fixed frozen tissues using a purified, unconjugated primary  


实验概要The  following is a general procedure guide for preparation and staining of  acetone-fixed frozen tissues using a purified, unconjugated primary  


Protocol for Frozen Sections:Warm 150ml 4% Paraformaldehyde/1x PBS to RT. Fix slides in it, 20 min., RT.1x PBS rinse, 2 times.1x PBS, 30 min., RT. Beg


I. Preparation of Frozen Sections for SectioningMaterials neeed:2-methylbutane (isopentane)Liquid NitrogenDry icePeel-Away?/sup> base moldsFrozen tiss


Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM)Introduction to LCM  (BJMU)  Preparation, LCM and RNA/DNA extraction of Frozen Tissue Sections (NIH Laser Capture M


·         Histological techniques (William H. Heidcamp)Very detailed guide to histological techniques, like  fixation, dehydration, embedment and subs


实验概要The ChargeSwitch®  gDNA Purification Kits allow rapid and efficient purification of  genomic DNA from small volumes of human blood. After preparin


实验概要DNA extraction from tissue.主要试剂Extraction buffer100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)     100 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) 100 mM Na-Phosphate (pH 8.0)   1.5 M NaCl1% CTAB


We have developed a method for isolating high quality total RNA from N. crassa mycelia that reliably yields large quantities. It is possible to extrac


Protocols for LCM preparation and analysis I. Preparation, LCM and RNA/DNA extraction of Frozen Tissue SectionsA. EmbeddingB. CuttingC. StainingII. Pr


A: Development of Immuno-LCM Limitation of Microdissection Microdissection of routinely stained or unstained frozen sections has been used succe


Modified from that of Jay Thelen - University of Missouri-Columbia Phenol extraction followed by methanolic ammonium acetate precipitation - an effe


Lipid analysisEXTRACTION OF LIPIDS FROM LIPOPHORIN Since lipids are hydrophobic, they are better soluble in organic solvents than in water. Because th


Method: Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines from Frozen Whole Blood May 31, 1990 Rosalie Veile Purpose: Blood Samples can be stored frozen as a


DNA抽提(主要内容如下)·   Working with DNA·   DNA Extraction from Bacteria and Other Organisms·   DNA Extraction from Cell and Tissue·   Mitochondria DNA Isola


RNA Extraction from Histologic Sections Unstained 4 µm thick sections of formalin fixed paraffin embedded liver biopsies were transferred from glass


In Situ Hybridization·         In Situ Hybridization (jsmith1@po-box.mcgill.ca)In situ hybridization, as the name suggests, is a method of localizing,


We have found that the DNA extraction procedure of Metzenberg and Baitch (Neurospora Newsl. 28:20)/Stevens and Metzenberg (Neurospora Newsl. 29:27) w


Chromosomal DNA Extraction from Gram-positive BacteriaThis procedure was originally developed for Listeria monocytogenes but has worked well with othe


实验概要Plant DNAzol® is an extra-strength-DNAzol® reagent (patent pending) specifically formulated for the isolation of genomic DNA from plants. The Plan


1-2 g fresh material, freezer-dried, ground with 0.2g sand (if necessary), and then homogenized with 10ml RNA extraction buffer (see below).


1-2 g fresh material, freezer-dried, ground with 0.2g sand (if necessary), and then homogenized with 10ml RNA extraction buffer (see below). Spi


3 g nodules (fresh or frozen in liquid N2) were ground to a powder in mortar and pestle with liquid N2. To the powder was added ice cold 0.5 M mannit


RNA extraction with TRIzol (Invitrogen product name) or the equivalent TRI (Sigma-Aldrich product name) is a common method of total RNA extraction fro


实验概要This  method is use to extract short RNAs from plant tissue. Some of the  variables (e.g. centrifugation speeds×, precipitation times and  vo